How to Embrace the Magic of a the August 2023 Super Full Moons: Spiritual Rituals for the Soul

nature's seasons rituals for season spirituality
super full moons in august 2023

Today is August 1st, 2023 and there are two Supermoons happening this month. Wow, right?… So, get ready to bask in the mystical glow of the super full moons this month, because it won’t happen again for another 9 years. 

This celestial phenomenon is a rare treat, packing extra power and energy. So why not harness this cosmic magic and dive into some soul-soothing spiritual rituals for the super full moon?

One is happening today, August 1st. The August moon is called a Sturgeon moon. The term Sturgeon moon came from the Native American Tribes that found the sturgeon were easily caught at this time of the year.

The other, which is a rare Super Blue Moon, will happen on Aug. 30th. A Blue Moon happens when you have another full moon in the calendar month. 

    • Full Moon Bath: Kick off the night with a luxurious full moon bath. Add some Epsom salts, a sprinkle of lavender, and maybe even a few rose petals for a touch of romance. As you soak in the moonlit waters, visualize all the stress and negativity melting away, leaving you refreshed and renewed.
    • Moonlit Meditation: Find a quiet spot outdoors or cozy up by a window with a view of the moon. Breathe in the fresh night air and let your mind wander among the stars. Meditate on your dreams and desires, knowing that the super full moon amplifies your intentions.
    • Crystal Cleanse: Bring out your favorite crystals and lay them out under the moonlight. Allow the moon's energy to cleanse and recharge them. Hold each crystal in your hand and set your intentions for their purpose in your life.
    • Journal Journey: Grab your journal and pour your heart onto the pages. Write down your hopes, dreams, and fears. Release any emotional baggage and let the full moon's light illuminate your path forward.
    • Release and Let Go: Take a piece of paper and jot down anything you want to release from your life. It could be old habits, past grudges, or self-doubt. When you're done, head outside and safely burn the paper, letting the smoke carry your intentions to the universe.
    • Celestial Connection: Connect with the elements of nature. Stand barefoot on the earth, and feel the energy grounding you. Embrace the wind and let it cleanse your spirit. Be one with the moon's light, connecting to the divine energy that flows through everything.
    • Moon Gazing: Find a comfortable spot outside and simply gaze at the moon. Let your mind drift into a state of wonder and awe. Feel the moon's pull and be open to its messages. You might be surprised by the insights that come to you. 
    • Gratitude Ritual: Take a moment to express gratitude for all that you have in life. Make a list of blessings and affirmations under the moon's radiant presence. Let the universe know that you appreciate the abundance that surrounds you.

Remember, the super full moon is a time of potent energy and opportunities for transformation. Embrace these spiritual rituals, trust in the cosmic intelligence guidance, and let the magic of the moon illuminate your path toward fulfillment and joy. 


Happy moon bathing! 🌕✨
