BEGINNER FRIENDLY 3-PART CLASS: How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation Effectively

anxiety relief emotional intelligence help with insomnia mindfulmeditation mindfulness stress managment stress relief
woman sitting on cloud enjoying mindful meditation

{CLICK TO WATCH} BEGINNER FRIENDLY 3-PART CLASS: How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation Effectively

I gotta be honest...meditation was painfully hard when I first started. I'd regularly fall asleep within seconds, or I couldn't get my mind to settle down, no matter how much wrangling I did.

I was beyond frustrated and impatient with the process, so it took a while to get a daily practice going. I stuck with it, because I kept  reading all the studies and articles filling my news feed about how much it would improve my mental, emotional and physical health.

Here's the GOOD NEWS. After I was able to sit without judgment... things began to change for the better and I WAS HOOKED!

...So, today, I'm sharing a quick, 3-part video training series that will take less than 15 minutes of your time, because developing a mindful meditation practice WILL be life changing for you.

๐Ÿ‘ Here's some HUGE benefits you'll get from starting your practice... 

  •  Stress and anxiety relief
  • Gain more patience
  • Improve social relationships
  • Strengthen emotional intelligence
  • Improves health like lowering blood pressure

{CLICK TO WATCH} BEGINNER FRIENDLY 3-PART CLASS: How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation Effectively

I'm dedicated to sharing skills that will improve your life, one step at a time. 

Your self-care coach,



Ps...Need more help with stress, burnout or overwhelm? Go HERE for more resources.