Professional Athletic Trainer Advice: How To Prevent Injuries In Young Athletes

ahtletic trainer prevent athletic injuries sports injuries for kids sports injuries for teens
athletic trainer shares how to prevent injuries in young athletes

I just interviewed Micaiah Corely from Sidekick AT. She's a professional athletic trainer for many college athletic teams.

As a mom of two athletic teens who've suffered from injuries, I wanted to share what I learned with you.

Here's why parents can benefit from the guidance of an athletic trainer.

Expertise and Experience: Athletic trainers are like sports medicine wizards! They have specialized knowledge and training in things like injury prevention and performance enhancement. They can assess, diagnose, and treat sports-related boo-boos based on their experience working with athletes of all ages and skill levels.

Injury Prevention: Athletic trainers are the masters of spotting potential risks and taking steps to prevent injuries. They can give you tips on warm-ups, cool-downs, and exercises that will help reduce the chance of accidents or overuse injuries. Safety first

Optimal Performance: These trainers are all about helping young athletes reach their full potential. They can create customized training programs, dish out advice on strength and conditioning exercises, and even spill the beans on nutrition and hydration secrets for boosting performance and endurance

Injury Management and Rehab: If your little champ gets hurt, athletic trainers are there to save the day! They'll provide immediate care, manage the injury, and lay out a recovery plan. Following their advice ensures proper treatment, speeds up healing, and keeps your kiddo from getting sidelined again

Long-Term Health and Well-being: By listening to athletic trainers, parents can set their kids up for a lifetime of health and happiness. These trainers are all about injury prevention, safe training methods, and educating athletes and parents on the importance of rest, recovery, and overall well-being.


Following an athletic trainer's advice is a slam dunk when it comes to keeping your young athletes safe, helping them grow, and ensuring their overall well-being.

Micaiah is super accessible and can provide free resources and consultations


FREE RESOURCE: Free Ankle Challenge

***Honestly, everyone from kids to adults can benefit from this free ankle challenge to improve balance and stability. 


Have a happy, active summer!
