Feeling overworked & unappreciated can be an unwelcome, holiday theme! 😟 

Want to save your sanity during the holidays? 

I've got you!    

{FREE} SIGN UP for the 24 Days of Self-Care Tips - Holiday Calendar For Busy Moms 


Why It's So Important To Take Care Of Yourself? 


Dear momma, why is self-care so important? I'm gonna state the obvious, because busy moms don't hear this enough...You're So...Freakin'...Worth It!!!

 You're probably up at the crack of dawn handling ALL the holiday details like buying presents, creating the meal plan and shopping list, organizing the holiday gatherings with barely a moment to sip you hot cup of coffee, or tea. 

This time of year, I'd be hiding out in the bathroom hyperventilating, because I was dreading the overwhelm of the holidays. 

I wanna make it super clear: Self-Care Isn't Selfish!

...In fact, it's one of the most loving things you can do for yourself. And...for others!

There's loads of studies proving, beyond a doubt, that when you set aside time for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health it...

  • Lessens, or even eliminates your anxiety and depression
  • Outsmarts your stress and overwhelm
  • Raises your concentration and creativity through the roof
  • Builds and improves your relationships and intimacy
  • Dials up your happiness and life satisfaction
  • Skyrockets your self-esteem and self-worth

"Be enough for yourself first, the rest of the world can wait" Annonymous

STARTING DECEMBER 1ST... I'm delivering 24 DAYS OF DAILY, SELF-CARE TIPS to your inbox. As a mom, I know how stressful the holidays can be, so I created this holiday calendar encouraging you to make yourself a priority, and save your sanity.  

My video tips are 4 minutes, or less and designed to support, encourage, and uplift you. 

...When you sign up or full calendar access, you're getting...

🎁 DAILY SELF-CARE TIPS. Each day, you'll get an email with a new self-care tip to practice and a reminder to take extra special care of yourself during the holidays. 

🎁 FULL CALENDAR ACCESS means you'll get the full collection of simple, daily self-care tips organized in one, special member area. Watch them as often as you'd like. You'll have access to the special member area until the end of December 31st, 2022.

🎁 SPECIAL GIFT BONUSES Delivered on December 25th

  • You'll also get my signature "Stress Relief for Busy People" meditation mp3. Download it to get a quick, mental reset whenever you're feeling stressed.
  • A Bonus Video tip that includes a Special Ritual I personally practice every day to stay centered and in control.
  • Beautiful Self-Care Recipe Cards you can print out, and use to create your own daily, self-care ritual.

The 24 Days of Self-Care Tips | Holiday Calendar for Busy Moms is stuffed like a warm, fleece stocking with simple, done-for-you self-care practices to help you feel nurtured, cherished and supported, during these busy times.

It'll be like your best mom friend is right by your side, sipping a hot beverage, while you're both giggling through the crazy, holiday season together. 


Important message...

from one mom to another!

 (In video, I say videos are two minutes, or less...but they're actually 4 min. or less) 


Dr. Dhira Kosla Neurologist

“Lorie's just brilliant at what she does. I have a lot on my plate (as do most people :-) and I get overwhelmed easily. Lorie teaches me ways to relax and bring myself to a place where I'm calm. By using her techniques, I feel clear-headed and focused...and so much happier. It’s such a blessing to have her in my life.” 

Brenna Hoffman 

"Thank you, Lorie, for sharing your presence and deep grounded wisdom. I'm loving the self-care videos, so clear, smart, attuned & short (easy to find time to watch! ). Sending you all the best."

Whitney Welch   

"I walked out of my craftroom after my #1 Christmans countdown tip today, and said "NO" out loud. My family looked at me funny, and I said I was just practicing :-)"

Don't just "get through" the holidaze feeling exhausted on the other side...


GIFT YOURSELF the {FREE} 24 Days Of Self-Care Tips - Holiday Calendar For Busy Moms.

It's the extra-special goodness that drops into your inbox each day reminding you to love and care for yourself...like you do with everyone else. 

Be relaxed & present with all the special people in your life. 

I'm ready to help you, so sign up below!